Friday, March 21, 2014

March is a time for Miracles

 Miracles do happen.....

First off my sister goes through A LOT to be able to have children and this last time she ended up pregnant with twins!! She also was unfortunate to find that there was medical problems with the pregnancy and was put on bed rest from the start of her pregnancy with little chance of the babies being able to develop. As a family this pulled us close together and we all prayed for her twins and Meg. I went down a couple times and stayed to help take care of her family and my Mom went down each week for a few days. There were so many people who helped and Megan was so tough through it all. The babies are now 36 weeks!! We are all dying to meet them, especially Meg. This picture was one posted on her Instagram with a caption that they had been waiting for months of bed rest and taking it easy-ness for the stars to align and extra grown-ups to take us to the beach. We were so PUMPED to be there.  What a miracle children are in our lives. Cannot wait for these twin miracles to get here. This little sass is going to make the best older sister!

Also what a miracle that they were swimming in the ocean in March. I am so jealous!

Scraggs is moving to Provo! This is an AWESOME miracle. I never thought I would live one street away from my best friend! Four years of separation has been rough on me. Now we just have to get Megan and Scott up here and I am sure my parents would follow :)

These pictures were of me making a build-a-bear Rainbow Dash for Shyannah's birthday! This little cutie turned 3!!! It was a miracle that I found a reason to finally get to go to build-a-bear again!

I am seriously the worst at taking pictures after I do someone's hair but this was the latest ombre on my sister. Hair has become something that through any hard time I have been able to feel good about. Doing hair brings me so much happiness and confidence in myself. I have grown so much since hair school and am so glad that I will never have to go back, but am also grateful for the opportunity that I had to complete that. What joy doing hair brings into my life.

Also what a miracle that Ferrari joined up with Babyliss and they created the second edition blowdryer.  I am completely obsessed.

I have found that when you get a perfect top knot it is also a miracle. I did not personally succeed in this top knot but my friend did such a beautiful job that as we sat in Relief Society I took a picture of it because I was so in love with it! 

She is adorable. Taylor and Steph have been huge miracles in my life. I had not realized how much I needed girl time until I became friends with them this year. I have been so blessed to spend time with them and as couples for all of us to hangout. We have made so many memories and Logan and Taylor can expect the Swenson's and Tyrell's to visit them in Irvine OFTEN! 


My parents are a constant miracle in my life just this week I got this cute package from them!

I have been blessed to work for the Sonnenbergs. This last month has been such a trying month for them all. I have been able to witness to many miracles and blessings. I am so grateful that I get to spend time with such an amazing family. I love these girls and feel so lucky to learn from them each day and watch their small triumphs.

Kaivaya has been eating A TON, which is great cant believe she is almost 1! yesterday she even helped me feed her by pulling her spoon in and waiting for me to put more on before pulling it back to her mouth.

Shyannah has started to really get into drawing and has started to really like playing with her other sisters and has done awesome at sharing.

Tehya is seriously adorable. She has the most amazing imagination and always has an awesome day planned out for us. Lately she has been showing me how big of a bite she can do at once. This girl is the smallest/most petite 5 year old I know!

Maya and Aliyah are so smart! It has been fun that they do homeschool part of the day and I have had the chance to help them a few times!! Yesterday it was cute to see these two play together I usually only watch the younger three. Date nights are Erik and my favorite because we get all 5! I love that all the sisters are so happy together and just really love being with each other. Erik and I hope to raise our children to be close knit like these girls.

These girls LOVE Erik. It is so fun to see him with them and how much fun he has. Yesterday he played all sorts of games on the trampoline. When the older girls were doing tricks he showed them a few flips he had learned it surprised me since I am terrified to even attempt a normal flip!

All the girls were nervous around Lacey their bunny so yesterday I sat and made sure Lacey wouldn't "eat them" (their words not mine) while they pet her. I love how much fun pets can be! Kai loves Lacey and seriously spent the majority of the day just watching her. I even had to face her high chair outside so while she ate she could watch Lacey hop around.

I am grateful for my daily miracles. I am grateful for days like today when I wake up and realize all the miracles that are happening in my life currently it makes dealing with life a lot easier.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I'm feeling 22

I only took one picture but I had an afternoon of hair and got all the girls ready for Valentines Pictures, which ended up being put off. It was still so fun, Maya really loves doing hair and is awesome at it so its fun talking hair with her.

I got deathly ill, well basically just laid on a couch sleeping for 10 days straight. During which my besties came and helped me get stuff done and cheer me up with their mad dance skills.

I helped put on a Valentines Dance for our ward, which is only made up of newly married students. It was a blast and people came decked out in formals and in matching t-shirts. 

Birthdays are about as important as Christmas in this house  apartment. I grew up in a home where it was not just your BirthDAY it was your Birthday Weekend and then it became Birthday Week...and I am working on Birthday Month getting started... February is now over so all the Birthday celebration has ended.

My Birthday was February 13th and I turned 22! I was hoping to be able to play 22 by Taylor Swift, but with all my celebrating I didn't put much practice in on the guitar... I went birthday shopping at the beginning of the month so I could enjoy new clothes through my Birthday Month and we started the day at Waffle Love and enjoyed these masterpieces:

Mama Swens came over and made me this legit card using pink and green (my FAVORITE colors) and her new silhouette!

She then took me to Red Robin for a birthday lunch, I am the luckiest as far as in-laws go. I seriously consider Jeanne one of my very best friends.

I got texts and phone calls from my family and friends, I especially loved these pictures from my niece.

Erik then blindfolded me and drove me all over to surprise me with my gifts, which I LOVED, and to top it off we ended my actual BirthDAY at In-N-Out. I don't think there is a better ending to life then In-N-Out.

The next day was Valentines. We started at D.I., my new favorite store, we found 10 games for $15! I also search through the book sections in ALL thrift type stores these days. I am building a collection to read to my kids that were my favorites. Lately I have been looking for anything Beverly Cleary and I just completed the Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing aka Fudge series.

I spent a good part of Valentines Day with Tehya and Shyannah. We made valentine cards, cupcakes, and decorated the house to surprise their Mom and Dad! 

This is their adorable Valentines card, I have the best job!

We went to Tucannos for our Valentines Dinner! My favorite is the filet mignon wrapped in bacon, Erik's always loves the pineapple and he enjoyed the added fish items for Valentines.

My clarisonic arrived in the mail, I was pretty pumped


I made a maxi skirt one Sunday evening and this is the only photo I have of it so far. I kinda winged it and I love how it turned out. Especially since it took less then an hour to do.

I had a Funfetti cake with aqua frosting, pink sprinkles, and 22 candles a few days after my actual Birthday. IT was so good!

Erik's dad took us shooting for a combination of our Birthdays. I have been wanting to go ever since getting into The Walking Dead. It was my first time shooting a gun and I was pretty proud of how well I did. Erik of course showed us all up with his skills, which is funny since he doesn't really like guns or the thought of me with guns. We had a blast with Kent and Jeanne.

Then February 20th rolled around and Erik turned 24! Its crazy that were born exactly a week from each other. It makes celebrating all month totally acceptable. This was a picture from his birthday after he got a package from my parents full of Active wear. He had school and work until 10 pm, I got him Provo Bakery for breakfast and we had his favorite food for dinner, Hamburger Pie. We also just relaxed and watched his favorite show Psych. I sure do love him.

Then it was Possim's big B-day. I sure am grateful for such an amazing example in my life. 

I also was able to score some MC Hammer pants and Overalls form Cotton On. I am pretty much obsessed with overalls and have decided to bring them back into style.

Crazy that we've been married for almost two years already. I am sure time will just keep flying.

Side note I tried a new cookie recipe from Pinterest. Hands down they are so delicious.

Now that I have pretty much finished the chairs and I have the piano just the way I like it, I decided to use a little Annie Sloan magic on this dresser, stay tuned for the end result!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Jam-packed January

I have been really crafting it up lately, I am working on finishing up those two chairs. I ran into a problem when I rolled my hand with a rotary cutter.....

Erik came home to help me bandage it but when he saw the cut he had to lay down....

I then realized that I would need to bandage it myself..I of course called my Mom and she walked me through it. A month later and now I just have a sweet new scar.

We attended church, we absolutely LOVE our ward that were in right now!

I became obsessed with this product:

We love hanging out at the Tyrell's because they have a bunny named Hamilton. Everyone fights for his love and attention

Hamilton has really warmed up to Logan

It has been fun getting to know the Tyrell's and Thomas', we have had some pretty intense Nerf and Marshmallow battles the last few weekends....the girls obviously win these battles.

I finally got to try Mascara's makeup line!!! I love it.

I used the old foam to cut out the new stuff for my chairs!

I hung out with this cute girl most mornings.

We went to Nitro Circus

Lets just say that it was insane and we lucked out with awesome tickets. We both loved it and are minds were more then blown. I have way to many cool videos to pick one so I opted for a picture of the group.

We went to St George to stay warm in January....

...while there we hiked...

...went to the Temple...
swam, hung out, played at a park, and had fun with each other! 

I went to a Frozen Birthday Party for Tehya! I love how imaginative Tehya is, we have so much fun coming up with pretend play scenarios. She is adorable with her sisters and really is just a sweet girl. I enjoyed celebrating her 5th birthday with her. Erik and I got her Rainbow Dash and Flutter Shine colorable ponies (we play Pony Land on a daily basis and yes I know all their names). When I came to play with her the following Monday she had already decked them out! 

She recently became an awesome Doctor and Veterinarian, depending on the day I could be coming in for a cough or I could be a sick animal and she finds out whats wrong and fixes me. I love my job!

Last, but DEFINITELY not least, Possim got Snapchat. My life is now complete!