Tuesday, July 1, 2014

California Lovin

Before we left for California I got to play Dr with my favorite girls. Shyannah is great at giving medicine.. Tehya is a great patient to work on...

I got this awesome picture from my dad. Some of my favorite memories were being rolled up tight in a burrito, look like the Tanner family got to enjoy their own little burrito party.

Lots of Face-time with Megan's family to prepare for the fun ahead.

 Erik finished up spring semester! We finally got to spend time away from the Math building at BYU

We drove home to be met by this little love chunk,
 and this cutie!
We spent lots of time swimming while at home.
 I love sun and water a lot so I had a blast!

We got to go on a double date with Megan and Scott. It was a blast to spend some time with them. We also got to enjoy the Cheesecake Factory!
It was such a fun trip, I got to spend so much time reconnecting with Megan.  

The family that was home at the time did a session in the Redlands Temple. It is always awesome to go to the temple with that much family.
 We sure love our momma!
 Erik and I sure love each other!

We had such BOMB food this trip. So much I cant even remember everything to list but we did try Slaters 50/50 (the patties are made with half bacon half ground beef). Their ketchup is bacon infused aka sent from heaven! We ended up going to Slaters twice while we were down for two weeks and plan to go often when we move down for our internship this winter. Oh yeah so Erik got offered an awesome internship with Gilead Sciences for this upcoming January so we will move down for a little while. He is really excited and it is a great company!

 We got to see my dad race his fathers day Ferrari, all the kids chipped in so that he could take this for a spin on a race track. It was so cute to see how happy and excited he was. 

We made it to Newport. A handful of times in our two week stay. I just feel so at home there. 
Still working on getting Erik to feel at home at the beach!

Fourth of July weekend we spent in San Diego. We swam at the hotel pool a lot..
 We were told to make funny faces in the above picture I didn't know only kids followed directions..

My family hosted a lip-sync battle where we each got to perform for the family and a winner was voted. 
Possim performed: a Ramones song, Charlie the Unicorn song, and Mexican Radio
Shamwow performed: Popcorn Popping with all the grandkids
Ryan performed: Come Together by the Beatles and God Gave us Families
Emma performed: with everyone else because she was having so much fun singing and dancing
Scraggs and I performed: Aaron Carter 
Erik and I performed: Bye Bye Bye and learned the music video dance!
Megan Tanner performed: Spice Girls and MIA Paper Planes. She stole the show with her squirt guns in Paper Planes and took the win.
Max wasn't able to make it out in time and Scott works way to much so he video'd for us! 
Its so fun that we can all get together and have so much fun doing the weirdest things.

 We also got to take family pictures! After pictures we got to spend the whole day at the beach along with another million people for the 4th. Such a fun weekend in San Diego. 

 Grateful that families are eternal.

 Hoping to add to the grandchild picture soon!
 So grateful that he agreed to join my crazy family!

Em and Er 

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