Thursday, April 3, 2014

April Adventures

I follow some pretty yummy looking food trucks on instagram. I talked Erik into trying out Pico Norte one night. The meat was a red pork and it was delicious! Erik thought that it was a bit highly priced, but I would pay anything for good meat.

We made a Bucket List of things to do before Taylor and Logan move to California. We will see how many of these things we actually end up doing! Taylor's brother sent her this puzzle made from a 3D printer and Erik had been working on it for a solid 30 minutes before I got to try while he drove...3 minutes later I had figured it out....

I drove up to Rexburg to pick up Hannah and pack her stuff so we could move her down to Provo. She took me to this famous taco bus and we literally ended up going every day for the three days I was up there. They had delicious street tacos, and I even loved their rice and normally I am not a fan of rice.

Hannah lived with us for a few weeks and it was a blast! We spent a few days looking for jobs, she ended up with a sweet schedule at Costa Vida. We also decided that we would like to run a half marathon together this October. We will see how our training works out... 

We teamed up and all three of us went over to watch the girls a few times. It was fun to just play all together! The girls loved having the extra attention and they love to use Erik as their pony.

Kaivaya turned ONE! She is the easiest going most happy baby. She is also at a point where she is really learning and changing, I feel like each time I see her she has learned something new or mastered a new skill.

Cath was so bitter sweet. I am so excited for her new adventure and think that she is going to love it! She was my first real client. Cath followed me after school. By followed I mean I first would come to her apartment and rinse her hair in her tub, and then as I moved into my apartment she sat in a kitchen chair and I did her hair. She has stuck with me through it all. She has also been a favorite client because just in the last year we have been from a level 2 black, to a chocolate brown level 5 for her wedding, and then back to black before ending with this beautiful warm ombre. She is always so fun because she likes big changes and I am so happy that I got the opportunity to become such good friends with her and be the one to make those big changes happen! 

Erik and I also enjoyed lots of fun Dates, our favorite was going to a play with his brother Shawn and his wife Freda. We saw Big River and were very pleased with the talent of all the performers.


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