Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Holidays and Family Fun

We left Utah before any snow stuck to the ground!

I think that I was about 24 weeks along here..

Before moving Hannah came over and helped me pack and hangout with us, we just love hanging with her. Leyna is one lucky girl, she is going to have the best aunts. I am still sick and living off of popsicles as seen in this photo.

Packing and finals all in one week was very interesting and a lot of funny late nights were had by all.

We had to scrape our car only a handful of times, but I am still grateful for my sweet husband always taking such good care of me.

We met Dr. Matsuda a few days before christmas. Leyna was measuring a week ahead and was supposed to be about 1.5 - 2 pounds and she was weighing in at 2.8. What a little chunk. 

Christmas was so great and we had a blast. All my siblings were there under one roof! We had lots of good food and enjoyed spending time together as a family. We are so excited for next Christmas with Leyna. It is always so sad when the Christmas season is over. This was me at 26 weeks.

We went to a baby blessing over the break and it was great seeing extended family. We spent the day with the Tanners playing lots of games and hanging out.

We went to this park that is minutes from their new house and watched the sunset. It is so great being near Megan and getting to spend so much time with them.

New Years Eve was fun we had a really nice dinner and played a round of pit that took over two hours. It was fun and we were in bed by 12:03 so we still got lots of sleep.

I just love this boys smile. He makes everything in my life so happy.

This was my 28 week bump. 

I got my grades back! Working, taking 13 credits, growing a child, throwing up every day, and spending time with Erik....I worked so hard this semester and was frustrated by all my throwing up but still managed to get A's for my first semester! Erik also worked so hard this semester. It was his last semester teaching guitar and piano which was sad because he loves it so much. He ended up with A's in all his classes but his one music class that he somewhat neglected, so he would do well in his major classes. School was good to us this semester!

Since our Dr is in Pasadena and we end up in traffic if we leave before 7 we enjoyed a little Chipotle date! Thank you Max for the gift card. I LOVE and crave mexican food every day. I don't eat burgers still but am loving chicken or steak street tacos and guacamole and salsa. 

Erik ended up not starting his internship when we had originally thought. So we enjoyed some break time together.

The kids made Uncle Erik a legit sign to congratulate him on his awesome GRE score. We are so excited to start applying to Graduate schools this Fall and excited to see where we will be living for the next five years!

Brynn is eating and now drinking like a champ! So fun to watch their progression and think Leyna will be at this fun stage just a year from now.

We face-timed Auntie Hannah and it was adorable how the twins just jabbered and loved seeing her.

We went out to Irvine to visit Logan and Taylor. We got to go on campus and Logan showed Erik how to give an ultrasound. 

It was AWESOME! Taylor's little girl was adorable and we got to see her face and then when it was my turn, our little sass decided that she was going to hide her face and roll around anytime we had the chance to see her face. I guess she wants to keep it a surprise. I love seeing her personality develop. It was so cool to have this opportunity.

We spend lots of time with the babes, and I love seeing the relationships that each kid has with Grandma and Grandpa Possim. I get so excited for Leyna to get to spend some time getting to know them. I am glad that they will be so much closer when we are back in Utah.


I am 30 weeks along

Baby moves a ton, we love just watching her move. She is head down and so her kicks and movements are all over. Her hiccups wake me up during naps or nighttime. 

I started taking Iron because my test came back low, one more pill to remember for this sweetie.

Craving Mexican food and Shakes. My appetite is growing and its hard to find food that doesn't make me want to throw up. I am excited to deliver and hopefully not be throwing up everyday.

I have gained 28 pounds as you can see in the above picture! Still no stretch marks, but I can't see my belly stretching much more without them appearing. I am glad that she is growing as needed and am excited to giver her kisses.

I wear lots of leggings and maternity jeans from Gap which I love. Trying to find shirts that are long enough to cover my bump is a challenge!

We started our birthing classes last week and we have the funniest instructor. I am planning on an epidural but I have really liked learning and working on stretches and breathing with Erik. We both get super queasy when it comes to the old school videos so it should be interesting.

Cant believe we only have 10 weeks left until we meet this little peanut.

Oh and my super awesome husband started his internship this week! Erik is so excited and we feel so blessed to have this opportunity. It couldn't have come at a better time. He wouldn't smile for a picture so I was the creepy wife who snapped a picture from the car as he walked away.

Life is so good and we are so blessed.

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