Thursday, November 13, 2014

Whoa..Were Half Way There...

Happy Halloween!

The last 4 years we have gone up to Alpine and carved pumpkins and enjoyed the BBQ that Erik's parents and neighbors put on for Halloween. It was pretty nice weather this year and we enjoyed ourselves some hot chocolate and hot dogs!

When we got home we got to skype with these little cuties! They went as a themed How to Train Your Dragon family....except Emma of course was Olaf. We love our skype sessions with the Tanners and are so excited that they are moving closer so we can visit often while we are living in Glendora.

I got to play with these two cuties a few times over the last month. Kai is walking and getting so big so fast! These girls make me so excited for our little girl!

Tyler had us all get together for a pizza party with martinelli's to celebrate G-PA. It was a fun night and although I didnt get a picture of the whole gang. Everyone living in Utah participated. I am sure Gramps was enjoying the fiesta in spirit.

Erik also has had a few great rides in the Courier. It is so cute how excited he gets to drive with Tyler in it. I think he will be sad when Ty gets rid of it. Its so fun that Tyler finally moved down to Provo so we can all hang out more!

Erik and Zach performed at Acoustic Explosion at The Wall at BYU. It was way fun, I always love to see Erik perform and he has a blast performing. It was fun to hear a few other local bands as well.


Erik has tried to be better about getting me to go on I think in the last month I have made it to the gym a few times to walk while he actually works out. This picture was about 19 weeks I was rocking more of a bloated gut then a bump...

Sweet note from Erik left on the toilet. He is the greatest, I don't know what I would do without him. Leyna and I are the luckiest. Also woke up to this book as a surprise from a friend, its been fun to look through and see baby growing.

Joanns had a pretty decent sale so I grabbed some flannel for $2 a yard and some minky and made a few blankets for the babe. 

We also have started to collect clothes for little miss Leyna. I ordered some AWESOME headbands from a few etsy shops and am hoping I can master making those while I am in California. Because a girl can never have to many bows or headbands!

I have wanted to make a little quilt for the baby. I finally found a pinterest picture I liked, bought fabric, and just went for it. I love the fabric and am getting over the fact that none of my lines match up. I am thinking she wont notice and am pretty satisfied for it being my first. I am hoping to have Mama Swens help me quilt and bind it. 

20 week Bump! 

How far along are you?  20 Weeks and 1 day. I have officially popped. A few of my friends even said that you can now tell that I am somewhat pregnant! Everyone loves to feel my hard tummy. Erik is amazed on a daily basis that I know have this hard stomach that sticks out.

How am I feeling?  I am still throwing up almost every day. Week 19 gave me a few really solid days which was so great. Week 20 was not so generous I have not done much besides try and get outside once a day or open my window in my bedroom so I feel like I am outside. 

Maternity Clothes?   LOVE them! I have been wearing maternity pants and leggings since about 13/14 weeks. Just last week and today got some tops that I like. I basically don't want to ruin all my regular clothes but don't feel the need to buy to many maternity clothes. Don't judge my outfit repeats.

Stretch Marks?  No stretch marks but I figure everyone does everything they can to avoid them and I am just going to roll with it I don't know that lotion will help me avoid them. I am only 5'3 and I weighed a whopping 115 when I got pregnant so I don't have anywhere to go but out and Im thinking stretch marks may be in my future...I try to think of them as beauty marks that my babies leave for me so lovingly.

Total weight gain?  Over the last month I gained the same amount of weight that I gained in 16 weeks! Putting me at a whole 8 lb's for the halfway mark! 

How big is baby?  Leyna is 6.5 inches long and 10 1/2 ounces! Apparently comparable to a banana. 

Sleep?  She has been moving quite a bit! Last night I woke up in the middle of the night, apparently she didn't like however I was sleeping because she was just having a party in my belly. It took a while for me to get comfortable again and her to calm down enough for me to fall back asleep. I try to get as much sleep as I can but I am just slightly uncomfortable and wake up often to pee or get sick so I nap through the day.

Best moment of the week?  Seeing our little babe. We got to go to the Dr this week and it is always so fun to see her and watch her grow and develop!

Food cravings?  Still really bland or healthy food. Green Apples and Caramel are my daily treat I crave them all day every day. I also have been enjoying Bagel Bites as a nice change from potatoes and English muffins. I love cooked peas, green beans, and carrots for snacks! 

Food aversions?  Still NO red meat or mostly any type of meat. Sometimes I decide I can handle a hot dog or some chicken and then I usually don't keep it down for more then a few hours. 

Belly button in or out?  My bellybutton is innie but the top is definitely starting to make its way out. Its so crazy to watch my body change.

What I miss?  In-N-Out!! hands down.

What I am looking forward to?  The Christmas season, I just love it.


  1. EMILY!! How exciting! Congratulations on being a future mother! You look great and you are still tiny-- 8lbs is nothing!
    I loved reading this and getting an update on your life and pregnancy. Keep posting updates... :)

  2. You're adorable! I'm so excited for you guys!!
