Monday, December 8, 2014

Baby its warm outside!

The last month has been a good one full of fun times, one night I decided that I missed dancing so I turned on some music and had a dance party, it was short lived since Leyna keeps me short on breathe these days but it was a blast. Erik mostly watched and laughed at Hannah and I.

One Sunday afternoon Hannah and I decided we would like to go on a short non-inclined hike. So we drove up and parked and walked to Bridal Veil Falls. It is the only day that it has snowed and there was not lots of snow but we had fun playing with what was there.

I honestly am taking a guess in the dark but I think this was about 21 weeks for my bundled up bump.

I am gonna miss Hannah while were in California she has been so great through this pregnancy. and my whole life in general.

I spent most of my time trying to find good snow to get a cool snow picture but mine did not turn out so swell.

Hann got a few good ones!

We drove down to California for Thanksgiving. I had not been home for Thanksgiving in 4 years! It is also my parents last Thanksgiving in California. Megan and her whole family stayed the week with us (us meaning Er, Hann, and I). We just had so much fun hanging out with each other. The kids all love Erik and it is so fun to watch him with them all.

We had Thanksgiving dinner and Hannah and Emma made everyone feather hats to wear. We got cards with random letters and had to think of what we were thankful for. I got V I said:
1. my eternal Valentine
2. my prenatal Vitamins

Erik got the letter T....I honestly cant remember what he said besides the Tanner family! My dad came up with some creative Y's such as Yermo, youngsters, the phrase yikes, yamaha, and old yeller. It was great food (Leyna allowed me to eat some potatoes rolls and green beans). Erik enjoyed all the food for us.

We are so excited for next Thanksgiving with baby girl. We feel so incredibly blessed to be welcoming her in just months!

We are so excited to be moving closer to Megans family.

apparently this girls personality is me in every way...makes me slightly nervous to see what Leyna will be like....

Grandpa Possim's special whip cream cherry dessert.

One afternoon we got in-n-out...I enjoyed fries and a shake no burger :( ...and we layed on a grass field beside LAX and watched and raced planes as they flew above us and landed. It was really cool.

Brynn and Leyna will be besties I just know it.

Marshall will protect them both...

Erik and I had Megan leave the babies out with us a few of the nights so that they could sleep better without Emma an Ry waking them up. Every morning we would wake up to them jabbering to each other and they would just play and talk for an hour before we would pull them out to play with us. They are such good babies!

The weather at home was just delightful one day it was even in the nineties! We went out to Newport our last night and watched the sunset and then ate at Ruby's. I got a basket of Frings (fries and onion rings) it was delicious going down! 

This is me showing off little girl at about 22 weeks

I kept trying to get a running and jumping pinteresty picture but erik was struggling with where to grab now that I have a tummy that gets in the way.

. I sure do love Er.

Carl's family was in town, it is always so fun to see them and catch up.


How Far Along: 24 weeks

Baby: is the size of a Canteloupe! I am not sure why, but I was so excited for this one, maybe because it always sounds so good! She is weighing in at a whopping 1.5ish pounds.

Movement: I most often am found in my free time laying on my couch with my shirt up watching my stomach roll about as she rolls around. She loves to move and I love to watch her. Erik has felt her move and I think it kinda freaked him out. He loves to talk to her.

Bellie Button: Its still halfway, I absolutely love the half that sticks out and cannot wait for it to pop out! Hannah and Erik think it is crazy because its halfway out and they are not used to seeing it like that.

Stretch Marks: Not yet, but not to concerned about them in general they will come and I will learn to love them.

Maternity Clothes: I am finding that I feel a lot better in maternity clothes because they hug all the right places on me.

Weight Gain: She is growing and so am I. 15 pounds! I finally hit 130.. technically a pound over but I tell myself thats her pound. Not quite ready to go over 130 yet haha.

Food: She still is keeping it pretty bland. I still am not keeping food down most days but by 6 months I have gotten pretty used to being sick everyday. It makes me excited to meet this little sass. I still love popsicles and eat so many its unreal. I also am still a fan of potatoes and lately eggos. Oh and of course apples!!

This week is our last week of classes, finals are next week and we need to pack our house and is to Leyna giving her mom a break for two weeks so I can get done what I need too!
