Friday, November 1, 2013

October Fest

October was full of festivities. Starting with General Conference weekend where I was reunited with my other half.....

Although I love that other half, I mean Hann! It was a blast to have her and Hailey come and stay with us! We went to In-n-out, H&M, and did hair. It was some much needed girl Erik of course.

 We went up to Strawberry and enjoyed a boat ride with The Swenson's!! It was freezing fun. 

I felt especially crafty this month and decided to actually accomplish some of my pins from Pinterest...

Just bought these AWESOME chairs that I plan to paint and recover hopefully done before Christmas, I will keep you all posted!

Loving on Hair this month, I am not the greatest at taking pictures but I did capture a few...
 Black to Melt
Blonde to Red Brown with Bangs

Keeping it classy for the women.

I love doing hair it brings me such joy, I am grateful for a husband who supports my dreams.

Oh yeah.. and it was HALLOWEEN we enjoyed Face-time with those little cuties, dressed up for the ward Halloween party as Erik and Ariel, stopped by the Swenson's street party, went to Emily's class that didn't get cancelled, and enjoyed some parties with friends.


-Er and Em