Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sometimes I go a Little Overboard

At the Beginning of Time...

I have decided to take up on this whole blog experience( as far as I can tell you not truly "married" until the wife starts one). This truly is more for my benefit then anyone else though. I enjoy writing, and I decided why not make an online journal with pictures so when my ancestors want to see how the Swenson's days, weeks, and years drifted by they can read it like a story book. Year by year. So here goes: 

We Met:
Erik and I were set up on a blind date by my hairschool friend, his former highschool friend Molly McGuire. We finally got a date settled on July 14, 2011. The date ended up being a 6 hour date! (Erik stayed up till 2 for me!! if you know him at all you would realize how big that is) 

 First Date:
 Trafalga in Orem. We doubled with Molly and Tazz. Our team name was Bieber Fever (after Justin Bieber..Erik was the fan not me) and they were Who Let The Dogs Out. We obviously owned! Afterward we went to cold stone and got ice cream :) YUM! We tricked the boys at BYU and had them try a "myth" of running diagonal doing the chicken dance, in front of the Brigham Young Statue, which supposedly at one point there was a fence there that made him appear to do the chicken dance with you! Was quite enjoyable to watch them. We then went to the library (my favorite) and searched books and did dorky I don't want this date to end yet things. I introduced Erik to Baja Blast, Mountain Dews best flavor that is only sold at Taco Bell. He became a fan. Lets be real who doesn't become a fan. We said goodnight with the most awkward hug we had each shared in our ENTIRE lives and I left him with "well, don't be a stranger" and got in my car.
Apparently that worked. He invited me out on dates for the next 7 days. After which I left him for the longest 17 days of our lives! I went to the beach and Erik stayed and worked. He sent me daily songs, and I can remember the day I got back we were planning to go out that night and I texted him saying This may seem weird but I am more nervous than our first date. He replied with "I know i'm shaking in my boots" I love his sense of humor. Anyway to go through every good memory would be like multiple a day for a year but here are the times we took pictures to go with memories.....

We went to Lagoon!!! It was a first for me and honestly a possible first for Erik going on any of the roller coasters there. I have been Nannying Karen Christensen's kids and adore them! She had me take Anna and Andrew and paid for Erik and I in return. Sweet deal! We had a blast and Erik won me Gordon (a stuffed Giraffe) which now is sitting in our apartment looking cute as ever :) After which we went to a park in provo and a huge rainstorm hit we made it fun by running around with a few twists. 

Before..or I guess During..
After :)

Erik meets the FAM-BAM:
I guess I really liked this kid. My parents flew us home to meet the man that was taking up all my free time. It was fun going on an airplane together I had never flown with a boy before..well besides my dad and Max and they don't count... Brother Hatch was on the flight, what are the chances. We arrived and saw Hannah's BEAUTIFUL sign out front. We had Hamburger Pie (Erik was first introduced to it) my FAVORITE! We just did the normal introductions and random talk. The next day we cut off hannah's hair! We went to Too-Es! YUM YUM YUM!!! Speaking of yummy Erik made his infamous Mancakes which is two strips of Bacon with an egg in the middle and pancake batter holding it all together. Lets just say after Dad tasted them Dad was Erik's biggest fan. Lets be real Erik doesn't need mancakes to hit it off, he could do it all on his own he IS basically perfect. We went down to the beach on Saturday and met up with Megan, Scott, and the whole Tanner Clan. We swam in the ocean...Erik was terrified and kept asking if the tide was pulling me out like it was pulling him out. It was fun to see him in the ocean. He saw my natural FRO...hahahah. We then went on a Ferris Wheel in Balboa and all headed back home for Priesthood Session. The boys left for priesthood and we got ready for Hannah and Megan's combined B-day Partay! When we heard the boys drive up we turned off the lights, turned the music up real loud, and jumped out and surprised them when they walked in. Then we had a mini dance party. We had cake opened gifts and played the Paper Bag Game. I think I won. Only because I have only been beaten by Jacob Linferd Thus far in my life. Erik played guitar and piano for my family it was amazing as always. My dad performed Spotted Cat for us. That was the highlight of the piano and singing. We watched conference and relaxed together Sunday. It was great to see Erik with my family. We then received Blue Beauty. What an adventure she became. I will have to take a picture to post that beauty, words cannot fully describe her awesomeness. 

Happy Halloween 

This was one eventful weekend. I made posters outlining what was going to be happening while Hannah was here! We definitely watched our favorite movie. Not realizing it would sculpt Erik, me, and Scraggs into the Pack. Me and Hannah started by taking her once blonde hair to brown! twinners, then we went to Salt Lake to a place I found that did Henna Tattoos year round. We got matching Tats that said WP for Wolf Pack. That in itself was so fun lots of funny memories that wont be shared. We then dressed as Risky Business and went to the Alpine Dance Party. I remember that it was frigid outside and we had decided we were going to walk from Erik's apartment! We got our dance on, we lost our glasses, we met people, we ran into friends, Hannah met lots or more like 7 guys. It was fun to say the least. We then went to Erik's apartment and watched a scary movie. Me and Hann were terrified afterward so we ended up going to get ice cream to lighten our moods. Of course on the way down the stairs Erik went ahead of us and decided to jump out and scare us sending hannah's heart into a panic attack. Erik still to this day feels bad. The next day we dressed in Baseball clothes and headed to Logan for the Howl.
The "best" dance party of the year. We were so excited, it ended up being quite the walk. We danced our hearts out. Kind of ran into Max and his friends. We got to see the band Cartel perform which was sweet! All for 20 bucks!! Then our energy got low around one am. We headed back to provo eating Burger King trying to stay awake. Obviously Hann was out after like 2 minutes and apparently I faded in and out telling Erik all sorts of random stories or half telling them before falling asleep. We went to church the following morning at good ol' 8:30 am. Erik got a bloody nose in the middle of sacrament meeting. We headed to my apartment after first hour and took a big nap! We made chicken squares and white cake for Max's Birthday dinner. The boys came over ate and left. We played a little wii. Monday was Grandpa E's one year mark so me and Hann both put brave faces and got our nails done by Lindsey :) But there has to be a twist to this perfect weekend..oh yeah, on the way back from alpine i made it like 3 miles before pulling over jumping out of the car and throwing up. Hannah was sweet and was not sure what to do. Needless to say she had to drive back to provo and I am pretty sure she still is terrified of Utah roads, drivers, ect. It was a bad twist. Happy Halloween to us. We dropped her off. I cried. and cried. I always do when me and Hann get re-seperated. Then the Halloween Party at Erik's house. Kent definitely won Best Costume.  

We also attended the "Nerd" dance party as shown below. We are so Nerdy. That has been our favorite dance party we have been too thus far. Good music and fun people. October ended up being full of dancing. So much that we got a little danced out for the year.....

.White and Nerdy. in Love
We took a mini photo shoot for the Fall. It was a fun sunday activity. We were in Love at this point. Speaking of In LOVE. I should tell you how it all happened the first time Erik told me he loved me. We were sitting one Sunday on my bed. I believe in the very beginning of September, yes I know so fast! Anywhoo we were sitting there and He looks at me and is like
"Emily I need to talk to you about something." keep in mind he has a serious face on and I am like great were already ending!
"what?" trying to act clueless to what is going to happen...
"I am really sorry, I have been wanting to tell you this for a little while now I just wasn't sure when would be the right time." by now I was thinking dude just do it. why do boys always beat around the bush?
"okay well I am all ears."
"I Love you Emily..." me in shock..
"I Hate you!" quite the first reply. ha ha he still teases me.
I quickly replied to him with 
"I love you too, I just thought you were breaking up with me! You made it seem so bad!!"
and then we were in love :)

Christmas Bells are Ringing:
We spent Christmas apart. Longest 7 days of my life! and his. It was a great holiday. Erik's first Christmas at home since he got back from his mission. That is why I could not ask him to come home with me for the Holidays. He picked me up from the airport with signs and all I can remember is that when we kissed I wondered. Have his lips always been this luscious? I felt like I could not get enough of his holding and reassuring and love. It was so great to feel complete again. We came up with this crazy idea that we were going to not kiss for a whole month before our wedding so that over the alter and our first day together would be more than that luscious feeling at the airport....needless to say that month came up where it was time to stop and I decided against it. I gave Erik the gift of Dates. Each month I planned and had a paid date for us to do and each month was a surprise. Some movies, some floating lanterns, ect. He started me on my very own Book Collection by getting me my first 5 at the top of my book list. He also will one day build me a bookshelf (when we have somewhere it will fit) to put all my collections on :) it was a perfect christmas.

6 months! We hit six months and had a very fun time celebrating. I mostly posted this because he is such a little cutie and he loves his bright pink v-neck! 

luckily I wrote about this night and I am going to paste and copy it:

 Were engaged.
Erik proposed to me tonight..before I forget it all I wanted to write as much as I could remember….so for Christmas I gave him the 12 dates. February’s was Tucanos erik had never been before. He wore a black dress shirt his RVCA jeans (red threaded pockets haha) and a red and black plaid type tie. AND his WHITE sambas J….i dressed accordingly…black blouse with red jeans and my black plaid vans. I took the time to straighten my hair he gelled his… we got there and stuffed ourselves. He then said he had thought of the activity for after..which got me thinking will he ask tonight?? He took me up the canyon to the bridge. It had lights and we took a picture…he didn’t ask!...then we went to the Y took a picture..he didn’t ask!..then I said we should try Chinese fire drills sometime, he said once we got to stop lights..on the way down we went to rock canyon park took a picture..he didn’t ask! Then we went to the temple,  the big field and our park…all of which I thought just maybe but he didn’t ask!! Then we hit a red light and he hopped out we ran around and he said my turn to drive. So I went to the next light and said okay Chinese firedrill… then I saw the super 8 motel we took a picture.. not there either! Then we were driving toward our new place, we got to a red light and the next thing I know he was like Chinese fire drill and since im crazy I was like okay and started yelling “lets go all the way around I don’t want to drive…” as I rounded the corner and was yelling this I found him on one knee
He asked Emily can I ask you a question…I just starred at him he said “will you marry me” I started to freak out and was like lets get in the car and was kissing him. We got in and almost drove through the red light I was still in shock as we drove he said you still didn’t answer… I said YES of course. we kissed… then he explained the ring. And how we could trade it in if I want or what not. But it is perfect. Nothing could have been better than this. Oh and in mid sentence I added “ha im nineteen” because he was so set on me not be nineteen when we got engaged! I LOVE it. I love him. I am so lucky. The spirit was strong with me tonight. I cannot wait to be sealed for time and all eternity with him. I cannot believe I picked everything tonight and so I had no idea…also he had told ALL his family my family our friends roommates ect… and he said he was going to do Chinese firedrills…so when I suggested it he was like what the heck. He knows me best it just shows.
Feb 4th 2012

Wedding Details:


Things that I remember. (I’m sad to say that I am writing this 3 ½ months later..)
I was so excited. Not nervous. And everyone would not stop telling me to not worry, they didn’t get that I had been waiting for this for what seemed like ETERNITY. I get that our church is unfamiliar to people who haven’t been into it there ENTIRE lives. But I could not wait. Sometimes I think I was so excited to go on a mission because it meant that I for sure would have gone through the temple by 21! Anywhoo it got old hearing that I shouldn’t worry and how weird it would seem and how I shouldn’t try to take anything in. But I learned to tune people out and just let it be my first time and do it my way.
            First my outfit dilemma. I had an outfit I wanted to wear, but of course it did not work. A huge whole in it once I had it on, and I could not figure out how I was going to put on a new First time to the temple outfit. I only bought one! Luckily Scraggs (incase this is for people that don’t know me well enough Scraggs is Hannah also known as my BFF/sister) I borrowed her skirt and a shirt I had given to her. Making sure it would all work with my GARMENTS. Yes garments. I was probably most excited about being able to wear garments. They are the coolest biggest blessing ever. I cannot imagine now not having them daily. Oops I’m supposed to be writing as if I am not wearing them right now. So I got ready my hair was a little nuts and had a mind of its own, good ol California humidity. So el natural was the way it was going to be. I had it pulled up high on my head, all spunky like.
            Were off, I rode with Erik, Tyler, and Mommy and Daddy Swens. We got there soon enough, at which point I realized I should have eaten before I was getting hungry-ish. We arrive. Take a few photos and meet my grandma. At which point she gets see my ring for the first time! (which by the way is the most beautiful thing in THE ENTIRE world! And hopefully someone is keeping on the tradition of passing down the generations, if it didn’t make it your side sorry!!) She was amazed to see that her mothers diamond was my center stone and I could tell she was just so happy. It touched her heart. We arrived at the desk. Checked in. Grandma passed out family names (she has been doing work like crazy on her mission!) Erik and I went in did all the logistics… then we parted (which is always sad) and my mom helped me to the Womens room. The sweet ladies helped me at that point at which I was able to go through the temple process for my own endowment. It was the most touching experience in my life up to that point. I cannot go into detail on everything that was in the temple. But I can say that everything inside the temple has a purpose and it is the Lords house. Inside you receive personal revelation and answers and peace all of which I felt even just my very first time. If you go in with an open heart you will not be overwhelmed you will be fed. The spirit is stronger there then anywhere else I have been in my life. It is the only place you can go that lets you get away from this sinful world. I felt many people on the other side my first time there with me at certain parts in the session. The most memorable part was when Erik was able to help me through my first time. The spirit had never been so bold in my life telling me of the truthfulness of the temple. Of The Lord. Of Jesus Christ. Of The Atonement.
            It was great to share it with so many people. Looking to the side and seeing my sweet dad and his smile assuring me that he was there. And to see my brother in there, and my sister Megan, my grandma Maxwell, and my grandma Edginton. My mom helping me guiding me teaching me as she always does (she taught me to bring mints for when your hungry/tired J ) and to see Kent and Jeanne. It was complete. Erik and I talked afterward at how amazing it will be when Hannah goes through. I think more than anything that will help her to feel the connection to the other side will be a huge blessing for her. She really misses Grandpa E., We all do. But she has a really hard time with it. I cannot wait to be in there with all my family. Eternity sounds beautiful.

After the temple we went to IN N OUT! Of course. America/Emily’s most favorite place in the entire UNIVERSE!!!!!!!! It was so great (and I wore my g’s) then to Hannah’s senior recognition! It was a perfect day. But what day isn’t when you go to the temple and you have Erik 


Erik, Hannah, and I headed to Brea to make the final payment on all the tables and chairs. We got there paid it and Hannah and I convinced Erik to take us to McDonalds to get an ice cream. Keep in mind we were driving Dads Car. We got our ice cream cones and were about to get onto the freeway when we jolt forward and realize that the car behind us just rammed into us. We called home let them know where we were. Erik called 911 and was terrified that Dad would no longer want him as a son in law. What ended up happening was a women crashed into a new Camry (totaled) who crashed into us (quite some damage) and we crashed into a beamer (not horrible) the lady had floored the gas instead of the break. Genius. Anyway we all left after reporting to the police and were a little sore but thankfully no bruises or bumps were added for the wedding day 

I LOVED the style of my photographer!! I was so excited to take pictures at the beach and I had decided to do my hair up so as the salty air curled or frizzed (depending on how you look at it) it would be up and out of the way. Kent, Dad, and the Mom’s held up a blanket for me to slip inside my dress. It was so beautiful and perfect. The fit. The overlay of lace the scalloped bottom. They dropped the blanket and Erik took it all in. He smiled and hugged me and told me how absolutely amazing I looked. It seemed so much more real him in a tux me in my dress. We headed down toward the beach. Kris (the photographer) had us stop all over and thought of many different poses. He had let us know that when it was a bit darker he had something he wanted to try. We even climbed up a massive rock cliff thingy and posed. It ended up being the coolest shot! Then as it was growing darker he had us stand still as he ran in circles with sparklers. The end result was us with sparkler dust falling all around us! It was really cool. The only problem was this shot alone took over 30 minutes so Emily standing for long amounts of time not moving means light headed dizzy and nauseous! The other part would be that during one of the shots as everyone is running we are sitting with our eyes mostly closed and Erik and I start to hear yelling and I open my eyes to see Kent running and stomping on my dress! Erik was upset that his dad ruined it I quickly sat on a rock and was feeling quite sick not even caring that there was holes burned in my dress and My wedding was that weekend.  We headed to the cars and I apparently started just taking my clothes off. I was a little out of it to say the least. We ate at Ruby’s and I got some needed rest. Jeanne was awesome and hand sewed pieces into wear the holes had been created. It was hardly noticeable once she was done. I was very fortunate and came out of all of this with a good story. 


My dad drove Erik and I to the temple. We arrived early so we went to McDonalds so I would not be hungry. My last meal as an Edginton. My hair was curled loosely and pulled back it looked soft and feminine. We arrived I wore my ivory lace dress to the temple and my AWESOME shoes! My mom escorted me. Kent escorted Erik. I arrived to the bride’s room and my dress was hanging I explained that I knew with the beads and the off white lace that I wouldn’t be able to wear it. They informed me that the temple matron had okayed it! I was so excited to surprise Erik! I got ready and my mom left. Megan came in as well and She and I just embraced. The only way it could have been better was if Hannah had been able to be in there with me. Mom and Meg left and I was ushered to the beautiful staircase. Erik waited and we embraced when we saw each other. We could not stop smiling. The temple was so beautiful and bright. It had been over cast when we arrived but you could tell now the sun was definitely shining J we waited in the celestial room. It is to this day my favorite one. So elegant so bright. Our sealer came and spoke with us (Roy) and informed us on a few things. Erik and I had time to just talk for a bit. Then he ushered us into our sealing room. As we arrived to the door I noticed that it was room 8. What a blessing that was. Friends and family filled the room. The boys along the back parents in front sister Hyer and Karen right behind mission buddies the Wheelers and Sloans on the side along with so many more.  We sat by our mom’s and Grandpa and Kent were our witnesses. We went to the altar and Roy spoke of garments. We performed our marriage ceremony. After which I stood and smiled at everyone. We then exchanged rings and got to hug and thank everyone that was in there with us.

Reception Day:
After the BEST day of my life including being sealed to the love of my life, Pedro’s tacos, the beach, shakes, and Erik. We headed from the beach to Glendora for the best party of my life. Still to this day I am so grateful for my Mom and all that she did to make my wedding so perfect. I cannot think of one thing that I didn’t love about my wedding. We showed up to the reception and got ready at home. We took family pictures with the wedding party and family. When we got back the reception was a bout to start! We only did a receiving line for maybe thirty minutes upon my request. Then they announced us and we got to sit at our little table for two! The food was bomb the music nice, the tables and decorations were beautiful. I was so fortunate to have had quite a few people in our ward help my mom with the reception it ended up perfect. Erik and I often talk about how it was the most amazing party ever and it was all for us. It was great to see everyone so excited for us. I truly felt so much love and appreciation towards all who came. We cut the cake. Erik most definitely did not smash it in my face because he knows me oh to well. We left in the Honda mobile and enjoyed another Hotel stay from my parents!! 

Also I still have not taken the time to save all my wedding photos onto my computer so these are the few that are on there..

SO I started writing this a few months after we got married and now we are hitting the year and a half mark! And I will fill you in on things that happened over the last little bit. Probably not in quite so much detail but you will get the just of it…

We visited the Draper, Timponogas, Newport, Redlands, and Salt Lake Temples

We went home for a few weeks and hung with Hannah

Used our Pass of all Passes

Made Eleanor the elephant bank at Color Me Mine

Celebrated July 14, 2012

Erik put on his summer concert and my family came up!

Went to see Wicked with Erik's Family and tried new food places on Center Street

Hannah came to visit and we went sledding

Celebrated our SIX month mark with a weekend at the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake

Met Allie Condie!!!

Finished off the last of the Twilight movies

Happy Halloween from the Swenson's 2012

Happy Thanksgiving from the Swenson's. 
We spent it with Erik's family and made a sweet gingerbread house. 

Went down to California for a few weeks for christmas.
Spent a week with Meg and her family and Disneyland on Christmas Eve.
We both ended up with the flu on our first married Christmas!

Erik turned 23, Emily turned 21, and we celebrated Valentines all in ONE WEEK!

went to an Awolnation concert!

Stayed in Salt Lake for our ONE YEAR anniversary!

Built a grow box for the Summer :)

Finally took a picture in front of our First Home!

Eriks Summer Concert 2013

Went to Bear Lake with Erik's Family! Such a blast!

Went to the family ranch with the Edginton's!

Did a Session in the St George Temple with  my family...

Spent a week at Megan's in San Diego

Erik had Sushi for the first time at Miyakos!

Went to the Newport this Summer :)

My parent celebrated 25 YEARS! We made dinner and Erik played them "their song" love that my mom and dad are still crazy about each other!

Hope for Adler!

SOLD BLUE BEAUTY!! bitter sweet day.

I am going to school now too :)

Hiked Squaw Peak 

Lots of crazy random rain storms in Utah this Summer.

Went to San Diego to help Megan's family and had a blast with the kiddos!

This girl is hilarious.